Phone and Video Sessions

How can Phone and Video sessions help?

Like face to face counselling, remote psychotherapy sessions (phone or video consultations via Skype or other online platforms such as Zoom, Whatsapp or Facetime) are an effective alternative to face to face sessions and the modern way to conduct sessions.

Video consultations are particularly useful where circumstances make it difficult to attend sessions in person, and are far more efficient in use of professional time.

How do Video Consultations work?

Video psychotherapy consultations are conducted either through Zoom, Skype, Whatsapp or Facetime. These are all free for a basic level access.

Just like a face to face psychotherapy session, video consultations are arranged in advance for a specific date and time. Payment is made in advance. You can pay for one session at a time, a batch of 4 sessions, or for a monthly coaching contract.

You would also need to complete a short client details form to provide some basic information about yourself.

At the end of each consultation, we can book the next session, or series of sessions, if you wish.

Points to consider

You will need a reliable access to the internet or mobile data, and to make sure there will be no other distractions or interruptions during the consultation (eg other people or pets won’t interrupt or need your attention).

It is strongly recommended that you switch off other devices (or close down other computer applications that might distract you, such as email, social networking sites and other chat rooms).

Consultations are always confidential (with a few exceptions where safety seems at risk).

How to get started
Read the guidelines about how video sessions work.

We will then contact you about arranging the first session and payment in advance.

The Burnout Queen at the Harley Consultancy